Highly reliable
up to 10-day
Maritime Weather forecast
Enhanced Vessel
Contextual in-map
WMS layers*
*Premium feature
Spire Maritime’s Weather explorer ingests Spire’s Vessel and Weather APIs to give you hands on experience with live data. This tool aims to visualize how our data services can be used for route optimization and vessel performance and offers a simpler way to experiment with GRIB2 data.
Spire Point Forecast API: We extract an up to 10-day high frequency forecast for a wide number of weather variables anywhere in the globe
Spire WMS (Weather Map Service): The global map is layered for contextual weather information that integrates seamlessly with your applications
Vessels API: Our vessel specifics come from our Enhanced Vessel data. As a feature in the Vessels API, this is a crucial data source for optimizing vessel performance, route planning, and commercial port operations.